About me

My approach

Pszichológus Budapest, Pszichológus online, szexuálpszichológus, korai magömlés, késői magömlés, merevedési zavar, vaginizmus
  • As a psychologist, sex therapist and person-centred counsellor, my primary goal is to provide a safe space, where all thoughts and feelings can be shown and expressed openly. Where you can share things you may haven’t been able to talk about before.
  • I believe that the process leading to change can best unfold through dialogue in a sincere relationship. In an alliance with a person, who shows true acceptance and empathy, while being able to stay true to him/herself. During our sessions I strive for that same presence myself.

Professional experience

  • 2023-ban Füzes Nóra kollégámmal és barátommal megalapítottuk az Evergreen Pszichológiai Műhelyt, amit a közösség, a szakmai fejlődés és az edukáció értékei mentén álmodtunk meg.
  • I started my individual practice in 2017, and since then I also have been involved in facilitating several self-awareness groups

  • Since as a therapist I work with my personality, I believe its crucial for me to constantly expand my self-awareness. I have worked with a number of counsellors and therapists from different perspectives in longer individual processes, so I have had the opportunity to experience personally what a good therapist / psychologist for me is like.

  • I've also spent hundreds of hours in various free interaction, so-called encounter groups, and since 2016 I've been a regular participant of the summerly Cross-Cultural Communication International, Bilingual Person-centered Workshop in Pécs

  • I'm a member of the hungarian Rogers Centre Foundation, where we (partly psychologists and partly from other related helping professions) work on promoting the person-centred approach and organizing encounter groups


  • As a practicing psychologist and sex therapist, I consider it an important goal to help make psychology-related knowledge available to the widest possible audience. I try to contribute to this in different ways:


  • 2022-től a Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem megbízott oktatójaként tanítok pszichológiát a nappali, valamint a levelező képzésen


  • In the same year, my colleagues and I launched the Under the blanket sex education Instagram page, where we explore a wide range of topics related to sexuality.


  • Initially I was preparing for a career in economics, so my higher education led me first to the Budapest University of Economics, where I graduated with a degree in Economics with a major in Commerce

  • Since I had realized by then that I couldn't imagine my future other then being a therapist, a few years later I graduated in Psychology from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), taking the first major step on my new path

  • After becoming a psychologist, I trained for four years with the Hungarian Association for Person-centred Psychotherapy and Counselling (MaSzkPTE), and then graduated as a person-centred counsellor in 2017

  • As my interest over the years working with clients has increasingly turned to issues of relationships and sexuality, I graduated from ELTE as a Sex therapist in 2022